A downloadable Shalom Services App

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This app is all you need to be a student. It will make your student life the easiest it has ever been. 


• Can answer any question both academic, life questions, historic questions, etc and always gives up-to-date answers. It can also give you answers of any pass questions, anything at all.

• Can generate presentation slides just from text descriptions you input. Just type the text, and it will generate its slides for you in not more than 3 minutes.

• You can upload your PDF files and chat with them. You can use this app to upload PDF and then chat with the PDF, asking it information about its content. You can ask it to summarize itself, give examples from its content, etc. Would be very helpful for students who recieve a lot of assignments and notes through PDF.

• Can Summarize Lecture Notes For You. You just have to upload a file (PDF) containing the notes and it will generate a brief summary for you providing very vital informations.

• Can make notes for you from online courses and online meetings. You can use this app to automate your lessons by letting it into your online meetings and it will make notes for you as the meeting goes on. Aside that, you can also upload a video or audio of any meeting or class and it will listen and generate its notes for you.

NOTE: It requires Internet Connection


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

BR-AI-N.apk 15 MB

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